Adults often seek therapy to treat:
Stress and anxiety are not one in the same. Stress is typically outside factors and the feelings we get due to stress goes away with the stressor. Not everyone who has stress experiences anxiety. Anxiety can take our body, mind, and spirit places we truly don’t want to go. From stomach aches, to catastrophizing, to doubting ourselves, anxiety truly is a beast of burden. Anxiety can remain even when stressors are no longer there. We understand and help by accessing your levels of anxiety, we make appropriate referrals, and work with you to learn the reasons for your anxiety. Through CBT we work with you to reframe your thoughts, develop coping skills, and face fears.
We understand that depression is a physical condition of the brain which also affects our mind, body, relationships, jobs, outlook on life, etc. There are times as clinicians we hear, “I have no reason to feel this way. I have a good life.” A good life could be true, but depression does not always mean there’s a circumstance outside of mental health causing the symptoms. These can be biochemical, genetics, personality, in addition to environmental factors. We take time to access your symptoms, make appropriate referrals, and help you fight depression with evidence-based tools appropriate for each client.
Life Adjustments
Whether it’s good or bad stress, life is full of change. Some change can be predictable such as moving, getting married, and having children. Other changes can be unwanted and harmful such as infidelity, church hurts, and relationship issues. The list of life adjustments is endless. We help you get through these moments and find new meaning in them.
Emotional Abuse
We believe you. We care about what you’ve been through and understand how confused you might be. We help you to understand the cycle of abuse, terms involving abuse, reasons why being in an abusive relationship might be a generational pattern, and how to break free from it. You are worthy of being treated with respect and care. Emotional abuse is not okay. Not ever.
Adult Adhd
Yes, it’s a thing. We offer psychological testing in-house to either rule out or affirm that you have this diagnosis. We make appropriate referrals, help you to develop coping skills, solutions, and ways to manage attention deficits. You are not lazy and this is not your fault. We will even discuss the superpowers this type of diagnosis can bring.
It’s not just handwashing and tidiness like many people assume. This diagnosis can be debilitating. Often times it shows up as “intrusive thoughts” and causes people to deal with shame , which can lead into depression. We help by making appropriate referrals and work together using exposure therapy, CBT, and psychoeducation (often times a workbook is helpful), to lessen the symptoms of OCD dramatically. You are NOT always what you think.
“Grief is great, let us be good to one another.” -C.S. Lewis
We understand that grief is very different than all of the other human emotions. It is one we have to voluntarily enter in to in order to have a resolution. Although it is not the worst of the human sufferings, it sure can be the most painful. We work through the stages of grief, make appropriate referrals to groups, and sit with you as you process this season of life. You are not alone. Our soul is designed to go down the path of grief with loved ones by our side. Be sad, and your heart can be made happy. Cry it out, and it will get out. There will be renewed hope. -
Divorce has a grieving process of its own. It is like a death, however the person you married is still living. Instead, there is a death of what you hoped life would be like, a hope for trust, a hope for family, a hope for love. No matter what the cause, divorce is painful for everyone involved. We are here to walk along side of you during this journey. Help determine ways to cope and find renewed hope and strength.
As Brene Brown says, “Shame is an epidemic and the reason behind many people’s broken behavior. Where compassion and vulnerability exist, shame cannot survive.” No matter what is on your mind and heart, you can know that you’re in a safe place to share. You are enough and you are worthy of grace and forgiveness. We can help you to process reasons behind behavior, establish your core values, let some things go and move on to be your best self.